KBR Wild Horse and Burro Information Sheet

BLM Postpones Wyoming Gather

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) made a decision Tuesday, February 17, to place a moratorium on the roundup of wild horses in Wyoming until after the spring foaling season.

The Doris Day Animal League (DDAL), The Fund for Animals and the newly formed Wild Horses Freedom Alliance had all strongly protested the spring roundup, describing it as "exceedingly cruel, inhumane and unnecessary."

BLM-Wyoming's spokesperson Al Pierson indicated that the Bureau will postpone all roundups of horses in Wyoming until after June when the foaling season is over, which according to Pierson is the first time the BLM has not conducted a spring gather "in recent history."

Wild horse advocates and the animal protection organizations animal protection organizations were concerned about pregnant mares and the fragile condition of newborn foals who could be lost or killed during the gathering process. (BLM policy prohibits gathers during peak foaling seasons.)

In late February, Holly Hazard of the DDAL testified before the Bureau of Land Management in Rock Springs, Wyo., stating "The decision for the roundup of the horses in the spring was the most invasive and expensive option for horse removal, and the March 1 start date is inhumane and contravenes the agency's own statement that roundups will not occur during the foaling season."

Hazard also remarked that the Bureau's decision to change the gather dates "was a refreshing decision on the part of government leaders who listened to the argument set forth by concerned citizens and had the courage to take the responsible action. The League is delighted that the wild mares of Wyoming will have an opportunity during the spring foaling season to give birth and care for their young without the intrusion of the federal government's roundup program."

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