BLM Wild Horses and Burros:

KBR Mustang & Burro Gallery
"America's Living Legends"

Welcome to the KBR Mustang & Burro Gallery! Mustang is a term commonly applied to feral horses found in herds on federal lands. (It comes from the Spanish term potro mesteņo which roughly translates as "colt belonging to the grazers".) The term burro is of spanish origin meaning donkey. Since horses and donkeys are not indiginous to North America, these herds originated from an assortment of animals brought in by early explorers, pioneers, miners and ranchers which got loose, or were released, and formed wild bands. In some instances the horses and burros interbred, producing wild mules.

True mustangs are stout legged with short backs, 17 pair of ribs and only 5 lumbar vertebrae (which are located in back of the ribs). Some have a 6th lumbar vertebrae that is fused to the 5th but never a distinct 6th.

The herds vary as do the the horses which produced their herd foundations and the condititions in which they have to survive. For example; in desert areas, the lighter, tough Spanish type characteristics are common. In more lush areas, such as the mountains of Northern California, much larger horses can be found, influenced by draft horses which were abandoned by miners after the gold rush in areas which had enough vegetation to support heavier horses.

Do to overpopulation, particularly in fragile desert areas, a significant number of mustangs have been captured and made available for adoption through the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Our experience with mustangs, both those which we have trained and cared for as well as those which we have come in contact with, indicates that they are intelligent, social and athletic. We have enjoyed working with them and would like to share quite a number of these "American living treasures" with you in the pages that follow.

Before we introduce you to our mustang friends, we thought we'd share this bit of philosophy from a proud mustang owner.

It's A Mustang Thing


  • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a ride.

  • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

  • When loved ones come to see you, run to the gate and greet them.

  • Let others know when they've invaded your territory.

  • Never kick when a simple ear pinning or tail swish will do.

  • Take naps and stretch hind quarters after rising.

  • Run, romp, and play daily.

  • Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.

  • Be a loyal companion, like a dog, only better.

  • Never pretend to be something you're not.

  • When someone is having a bad day, stand close by and nuzzle them.

  • Thrive on attention and let people stroke you.

  • On hot days, drink lots of water, then splash vigorously in it.

  • When you're happy, jump around and squeal.

  • Delight in the simple joys of Being Alive.

Thanks to Phil West of 6W RANCH for sending in this bit of philosoply.

A few final notes before you visit the gallery:

You can click on each picture in the gallery to open up more pictures and information about each horse or burro.

If you know the name of the horse or burro you want to see, you can look it up in our Quick Link Section.

If you have a BLM wild horse or burro which you would like to add to the gallery, please email us.

Note: If the "advanced mode" email link (above) doesn't work in your browser, please us this address:

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