Sharon Lamm
Lamm's Kickin' Back Ranch


You never know what you'll encounter when you trailer out, and you shouldn't go out unprepared. Here's what we've found to be a practical first aid kit to carry in our horse trailers (in addition to the standard "automobile" first aid kit in the pickup). It all fits nicely in a standard tackle box.

1. Pocket first aid kit 10. 12cc bent tip catheter
2. Baggie of band-aids and towelettes 11. Scissors
3. 2X3 gauze pads 12. Forceps & tweezers
4. Kotex (for bulk dressing) 13. Kleenex
5. Clear bandaging tape 14. Sewing kit
6. Bandanna 15. Insect sting swabs
7. Antibiotic ointment 16. Eye pad
8. "DESITIN" ointment 17. Tylenol
9. Zinc oxide ointment 18. Rolaids
1. 2x2 gauze pads 12. Electrolytes
2. "KLING" dressing 13. Nitrofurazone ointment
3. Kotex (for bulk dressing) 14. "CUT HEAL"
4. Vet wrap 15. "FURALL" spray
5. 36" latex bandage 16. Leather belt
6. Leg wrap 17. Hoof Pick w/ brush
7. Betadine solution (diluted) 18. 12cc syringe w/o needle
8. Phenylbutazone ("BUTE") tabs or paste 19. Duct tape
9. Velcro straps 20. Small rubber bands
10. "B-KALM" paste 21. Sponge
11. "SWAT" fly repellant ointment 22. 2) 5" pc. of garden hose*

* Garden hose pieces can be used to keep nasal airways open in the event of snake bite or anaphylactic shock.

Other items in the trailer should include an extra halter and lead rope, clippers or grooming scissors, an old bath towel, twitch, sponge, and a clean bucket.

Be sure to inspect your first aid supplies periodically, particularly at the beginning and end of each "trailering" season!

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