Mustang Close-Up

Oregon's Little Star (AKA "Star")

Star and Lyn

Lyn has had Star her since she was 2. She came from SE Oregon, same general region as PC. Looking at the two of them, you can see similarities in their build in the hindquarters. Star obviously has a lot of Thoroughbred in her. Star is an accomplished endurance horse. A junior rider competed on Star along with Lyn and PC in the following recent events:

Lyn notes: "Star is a really sweet horse, not real assertive, gets along with most everybody. But, she is the lead mare now, by default since Twinks is gone, and occasionally she puts her foot down. PC can be something of a bully, Star is not. And I haven't met many horses who can keep up with Star at a trot."

"I have a couple of elderly friends; Gene who is 70 and Dot who is 68 and who both ride Star. Dot rode Star the first time a couple of years ago and it was the 1st time on a horse for her in over 30 yrs. She and Gene are ex-rodeo riders.

Star has accumulated 2,000+ career miles. She also drives and her schedule has included driving competetions.

Lyn hitching Star to a meadowbrook cart

The photo of Star in harness was at the Jersey Devil 50 drive in 1995. She got Grand Champion on that drive. She has Grand Championed in harness a number of times; many more than under saddle in CTR's.

Vital Statistics

Foaled: 1986 / Mare
Herd: 100 / SE Oregon
Owners: Lyn Kamer
Present Location: New Jersey
Email Lyn at

Check out Star's Buddies



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